What we do

Our Strategic Objectives

  • Leadership studies and training: Courses, seminars and conferences that will take place at the institute;
  • Internships and mentoring of young leaders based on the leadership ideals of GIAF;
  • Trainings on governance for peace involving government, military, and community leaders;
  • Engagement of Executive Members, Legislators, women leaders, opinion leaders on strategic leadership and inclusive governance;
  • Partnerships with leadership institutions.


Initiatives here include:

  • Provision of mental health support through counselling and alternative therapies;
  • Capacity building on Mental health and PSS to caregivers and volunteers;
  • Mobile MPSS Services in vulnerable target areas and communities;
  • Community mobilization and sensitization initiatives;
  • Establishment of wellness centres;
  • The intervention aims to improve the wellbeing and quality of life of women youths, and children in target communities through educational support, institutional strengthening, and sustainable empowerment opportunities.

    This will cover initiatives, engagements, and activities as

    • Scholarships: The foundation will offer scholarship opportunities to orphans aged 10 and above through a competitive process (evidence of consistent outstanding performance, tests etc.)
    • Educational institutional strengthening in target communities; (providing/equipping of Science, ICT/Computer and robotic labs; teaching/learning materials; construction/renovation on classrooms; teacher training).
    • Emergency Water Sanitation and Hygiene (E-WASH) in emergency context, schools, and target communities. (E-WASH awareness, digging of boreholes, menstrual hygiene awareness).
    • Fellowships: This would offer outstanding graduates the opportunity to pursue a postgraduate degree. The foundation could choose to offer fellowships that cover tuition, living expenses, monthly stipends and costs for attending conferences or similar during the postgraduate study. Where necessary, examination registration fees will be provided for indigent students.
    • Livelihoods: Creating sustainable livelihood opportunities for widows and vulnerable households in target locations.
    • Access to Justice: Support to indigent women and their children on access to their inheritance rights; gender based violence (GBV) prevention and mitigation services.
    Referrals and linkages to mental health institutions and hospitals.

Initiatives here include:

  • Provision of mental health support through counselling and alternative therapies;
  • Capacity building on Mental health and PSS to caregivers and volunteers;
  • Mobile MPSS Services in vulnerable target areas and communities;
  • Community mobilisation and sensitisation initiatives;
  • Establishment of wellness centres;
  • Referrals and linkages to mental health institutions and hospitals.

Research and Defence advocacy

  • Build evidence around critical reform areas through research;
  • Evidence based advocacy for strengthening defence operations;
  • Strengthening defence operations and civil-military cooperation;
  • Awareness creation on the responsibility of duty bearers to protect;
  • Capacity building on election monitoring; gender responsive governance, as well as advocacy on free and fair elections;
  • Publication of GIAF Quarterly Defence/Newsletter.


We have planned and executed series of project that are aligned with cores of GIAF. The projects which includes constructions of school blocks etc

Past Projects

Upcoming Projects

Education Scholarship in tertiary institutions in collaboration with the Nigerian Army